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.For a full list of publication, check my Lattes curriculum


  1. Barne, LC. ; Sato, JR ; de Camargo, RY ; Claessens, PME ; Caetano, MS ; Cravo, AM. . A common representation of time across visual and auditory modalities. Neuropsychologia, v. 119, p. 223-232, 2018.

  2. Carastan-Santos, D ; de Camargo, RY. Obtaining dynamic scheduling policies with simulation and machine learning. Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis on - SC '17, 2017. p. 1-10.

  3. Bueno, FD; Morita VC, de Camargo, RY; Reyes, MB; Caetano, MS; Cravo, A. Dynamic representation of time in brain states. Scientific Reports, v. 7, p. 46053, 2017

  4. Amaris, MA ; de Camargo, RY ; Dyab, M ; Goldman, Alfredo ; Trystam, D. A comparison of GPU execution time prediction using machine learning and analytical modeling. 2016 IEEE 15th International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications (NCA), 2016. p. 326.

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Universidade Federal do ABC (CMCC) - Campus SBC

Rua Arcturus, 03 - Jardim Antares, São Bernardo do Campo, SP, Brazil
CEP: 09606-070

©2018 by Raphael Yokoingawa de Camargo

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